Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A slap in the face

Mike and I have started talking about when we want to have #2. We think that a 2 to 2.5 year age difference would be ideal. Um, that means I need to be pregnant in the not-to-distant future.


So, with that being said. I need to get fit pronto. I want to be as healthy as I can for my family and for my next baby. Excuse me now while I go get a donut do some pushups.

I figured that I had better find an old photo of myself  as motivation to get to my goal weight. Here it is.

OK. I am obviously kidding. But it kind of says something that I have to go back to my childhood to find a photo from a time when I didn't think about my weight, don't you think? I wasn't that young when I started to feel discontent with my body. It started around high school if I remember correctly. It is hard to pinpoint because it kind of crept up on me. I don't want that to happen to Laney.

Here is me at my high school graduation dinner. I can't believe I wasn't happy with my weight. I don't know if it is reasonable to have this as my goal. I am guessing it might not be possible as I've had a baby since. But a girl can dream. And she will.


  1. I am the same way when I look back at pictures of myself in high school. I remember thinking I needed to lose weight & now I'd do anything to fit in my high school jeans!! Crazy. And we also want to have a 2nd after about 2/2.5 years! We're going to start trying about this time next year if I get a job!

  2. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one :)

    I can't even believe I'm starting to think about #2. After I had Laney I didn't think I'd ever want to think about a second.

    I'm sure you will get a job. Are you going to be looking for a teaching position?


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